Now a days, IIT-JAM exam is becoming more and more competitive, and it is good, because it will encourage students to have a conceptual understanding rather than rote learning. IIT-JAM exam has a potential to build some constructive set-up for basic sciences in future.

Here is a list of some recommended books, which I personally feel good from my teaching experience.

1. ABSTRACT ALGEBRA: For this topic, Gallian is a good one to start with. Its short answer type exercises make it more useful for an objective exam like IIT-JAM.

Here is a link from where you can 

download it FREE: Click here.

2. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: The topic of Calculus is the most important for IIT-JAM, because it has the highest weight-age of marks.

For Differential Calculus,  prefer two books:

(a) Spivak:  It is great, but it takes time to work with it. It can be 

downloaded FREE from:

Click here to Download

(b) Shanti Narayan: It is also a nice text, if you prefer an Indian author. 

Here is a link: Click here.

3. INTEGRAL CALCULUS: As far as IIT-JAM is concerned(Not more than that), you can have Mathematical Analysis by Malik and Arora. Its pdf is not available.

4. REAL ANALYSIS:  recommend the following:

(a) Bartle and Sherbert: Introduction to Real Analysis. Download

(b) Stephen Abbott: It is a great book, easy to read, and an excellent text for beginners. It can be downloaded from Click Here

5. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: This is a very scoring topic for IIT-JAM.  recommend S L Ross for that. Now a days, in many competitive exams, questions are asked from its exercises. 

Download it from Click Here

6. LINEAR ALGEBRA:  prefer Friedberg for it. It can be downloaded from Click Here

7. VECTOR CALCULUS: M. J. Strauss, G. L. Bradley and K. J. Smith, Calculus is a very nice book for it.

We hope, it helps. Good luck to all of you.

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